HP Brown Sauce

Let’s dip in

HP brown sauce. Name a more British condiment?

For me, there is something incredibly nostalgic about HP. As a child, I was never that much of a fan. It was tangy and sharp, and called ‘brown sauce’. Absolute misery in a glass bottle as far as I was concerned. It was a sauce of the old, of my grandad smacking the bottle base to cover a full English or my dad dowsing a bacon butty with it. Definitely not for kids. The only brown sauce I liked as a child was chocolate, much tastier than HP.


As I near middle-age, I love the stuff and have added it to all sorts of delicious food combinations; my favourite being to drizzle it onto the top of a pork pie. HEAVEN.

It’s difficult to identify exactly what goes into making brown sauce, well, brown, BUT us Brits don’t seem to mind. We lap up the stuff.

It’s all in the taste

This sauce doesn’t need an introduction. Everyone has tried HP at some point, right? It’s obvious that the main ingredient is…it’s…tomatoes, or is it pepper? Yes, there’s definitely a lot of pepper in there, or could it be vinegar? Maybe it’s Worcester? But what’s that spicy aftertaste? WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!

So, it would seem that it’s not that easy.

It’s difficult to identify exactly what goes into making brown sauce, well, brown, BUT us Brits don’t seem to mind. We lap up the stuff.

In my opinion, it’s a quintessentially British sauce and my tastebuds might not know what the hell is going on, but it definitely works.

Team verdict

Now, let’s hear from my colleagues and sauce-tasting sidekicks, Mark and James. Starting with the branding and labelling, a definite winner on both sides – it all looks super British with its blue tones, Big Ben, and Houses of Parliament visuals.

The taste is also a winner for both, but I guess we’re the ideal demographic: middle-aged men.


Err…YES! It’s a fine British brand with an almost kaleidoscopic array of flavours; a staple sauce in the nation’s diet. Without brown sauce, breakfast baps in the UK would be sad, dry, and incomplete. It definitely contains the awesomesauce.